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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Yimna was rare medicine and poison found in the Free Cities of north Zakhara.[1]


Yimna was a yellow powder.[1]


Derived from the pollen of specific wild cactus flowers, yimna could serve as a mild tranquilizer in small doses. These sedative effects were increased with stronger doses. A small pinch of yimna powder was often used to help induce sleep.[1]

Yimna powder remained inactive until added to an alcoholic beverage, imparting an unmistakable bitter taste to the drink. Because of this it was usually only added to sweet drinks or cheap wine in order to mask the flavor. If added to wine before the fermentation process occurred, yimna's taste was almost undetectable. The addition of yimna before the fermentation process also required less of the powder for the same effect compared to if it was added after fermentation had occurred.[1]

A victim of a stronger dose of yimna, such as one who's drink was poisoned, would fall into a deep stupor. Upon waking 13–24 hours later they would experience a debilitating hangover that lasted for several hours.[1]

Yimna sold for 10–100 gold pieces per dose within the Free Cities, and much more in other parts of Zakhara.[1]


