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Yondalla (pronounced: /jɒnˈdɑːlɑːyon-DAH-lah[1]) was the creator of the halfling race and matriarch of not only the halfling pantheon, but the whole race itself. With her charming personality and friendly demeanor she was an example to all halflings; who almost all shared her curiosity, loyalty and sense of mischief.[1]

Fill my cup with plenty, mother. May it never run dry.
— A basic prayer to Yondalla[16]


Yondalla had close bonds with Garl Glittergold, Corellon Larethian and Moradin. With the passion with which she loved and admired her fellow halfling deities, sometimes known as 'Yondalla's Children', she scorned certain evil deities, such as Bane, Cyric, Talona, Talos, and the Deities of Fury.[1]


Fill my cup with plenty, mother. May it never run dry.
— A basic prayer to Yondalla.[17]
Yondalla symbol

The holy symbol of Yondalla

Despite her widespread worship among halflings and her central role in their society; her temples were unusually rare, those that did exist were designed to look like a well-hidden halfling burrow-home and were filled with weapons and food so that the communities that surrounded them could hold out against possible invaders. Her clergy were afforded a lot of respect by the followers of other gods for their defensive capabilities in spite of their small stature.

Powerful clerics of Yondalla were granted the ability to cast Curse of Yondalla, a spell reserved to be used against those who committed foul crimes against halflings.[18]

Halfling funeral

A statue of Yondalla watched over a halfling funeral


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Further Reading[]


Video Games

Referenced only
Baldur's Gate III


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Eric L. Boyd, Erik Mona (May 2002). Faiths and Pantheons. Edited by Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel, et al. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 141. ISBN 0-7869-2759-3.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Eric L. Boyd (November 1998). Demihuman Deities. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 179–180. ISBN 0-7869-1239-1.
  3. Eric L. Boyd (November 1998). Demihuman Deities. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 181. ISBN 0-7869-1239-1.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Steve Kenson, et al. (November 2015). Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. Edited by Kim Mohan. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 23, 109. ISBN 978-0-7869-6580-9.
  5. Jeremy Crawford (November 17, 2020). Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 34–35. ISBN 978-0786967025.
  6. Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford (2014). Player's Handbook 5th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 296. ISBN 978-0-7869-6560-1.
  7. Bruce R. Cordell, Christopher Lindsay (April 2006). Complete Psionic. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 11. ISBN 0-7869-3911-7.
  8. Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo (June 2001). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 240. ISBN 0-7869-1836-5.
  9. Hal Maclean (September 2004). “Seven Deadly Domains”. In Matthew Sernett ed. Dragon #323 (Paizo Publishing, LLC), p. 65.
  10. Eric L. Boyd (November 1998). Demihuman Deities. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 162. ISBN 0-7869-1239-1.
  11. Eric L. Boyd (November 1998). Demihuman Deities. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 166. ISBN 0-7869-1239-1.
  12. Eric L. Boyd (November 1998). Demihuman Deities. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 169. ISBN 0-7869-1239-1.
  13. Eric L. Boyd (November 1998). Demihuman Deities. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 172. ISBN 0-7869-1239-1.
  14. Eric L. Boyd (November 1998). Demihuman Deities. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 175. ISBN 0-7869-1239-1.
  15. 15.0 15.1 A page detailing the specialty priests of Luiren that's included in Tom Prusa (1993). The Shining South. (TSR, Inc). ISBN 1-56076-595-X.
  16. Larian Studios (October 2020). Designed by Swen Vincke, et al. Baldur's Gate III. Larian Studios.
  17. Larian Studios (October 2020). Designed by Swen Vincke, et al. Baldur's Gate III. Larian Studios.
  18. Eric L. Boyd (November 1998). Demihuman Deities. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 182. ISBN 0-7869-1239-1.


Deities of the Post–Second Sundering Era
Ao the Overgod
Faerûnian Pantheon
Akadi | Amaunator | Asmodeus | Auril | Azuth | Bane | Beshaba | Bhaal | Chauntea | Cyric | Deneir | Eldath | Gond | Grumbar | Gwaeron | Helm | Hoar | Ilmater | Istishia | Jergal | Kelemvor | Kossuth | Lathander | Leira | Lliira | Loviatar | Malar | Mask | Mielikki | Milil | Myrkul | Mystra | Oghma | Red Knight | Savras | Selûne | Shar | Silvanus | Sune | Talona | Talos | Tempus | Torm | Tymora | Tyr | Umberlee | Valkur | Waukeen
The Morndinsamman
Abbathor | Berronar Truesilver | Clangeddin Silverbeard | Deep Duerra | Dugmaren Brightmantle | Dumathoin | Gorm Gulthyn | Haela Brightaxe | Laduguer | Marthammor Duin | Moradin | Sharindlar | Vergadain
The Seldarine
Aerdrie Faenya | Angharradh | Corellon | Deep Sashelas | Erevan | Fenmarel Mestarine | Hanali Celanil | Labelas Enoreth | Rillifane Rallathil | Sehanine Moonbow | Shevarash | Solonor Thelandira
The Dark Seldarine
Eilistraee | Kiaransalee | Lolth | Selvetarm | Vhaeraun
Yondalla's Children
Arvoreen | Brandobaris | Cyrrollalee | Sheela Peryroyl | Urogalan | Yondalla
Lords of the Golden Hills
Baervan Wildwanderer | Baravar Cloakshadow | Callarduran Smoothhands | Flandal Steelskin | Gaerdal Ironhand | Garl Glittergold | Nebelun | Segojan Earthcaller | Urdlen
Orc Pantheon
Bahgtru | Gruumsh | Ilneval | Luthic | Shargaas | Yurtrus
Mulhorandi pantheon
Anhur | Bast | Geb | Hathor | Horus | Isis | Nephthys | Osiris | Re | Sebek | Set | Thoth
Other gods of Faerûn
Bahamut | Enlil | Finder Wyvernspur | Ghaunadaur | Gilgeam | Lurue | Moander | Nobanion | Raven Queen | Tiamat
