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A zarangan was a smooth, magical stone, shaped to fit in the palm of a hand that granted several spell-like abilities and could serve as a +1 melee weapon. In the years circa 1372 DR, they were most often found in Halruaa.[1]


The main abilities these artifacts granted were impressive. They allowed anyone holding the stone to cast dimension door almost at-will, cast cure critical wounds once per day and, upon uttering a command word utilize an ability that worked like the spell word of recall, once per day, to return to a home location that was designated upon the stone's creation. These pre-determined locations had remained linked to the stones for centuries, so anyone using this ability in the modern era might end up in the abandoned ruins of some long-dead Halruaan wizard's sanctum or lich's tomb.[1]

Because they were made with a specific magic-user in mind, zarangans were highly customized. In addition to these main abilities, they granted spell immunity against a few spells and allowed the wielder to cast one of either chain lightning, cone of cold, lesser ironguard, levitate, unseen servant or water breathing once per hour.[1]


Zarangans were made from smooth stones, cut to form-fit to the hand of its user and polished until they had a vitreous shine. They had protrusions along one side that slid between the magic-user's fingers. The command word, used to activate the stone's recall ability was often etched into the sheer surface.[1]


These artifacts were a remnant of ancient Netheril, having been brought to Halruaa after its fall. [1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Thomas Reid (October 2004). Shining South. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 58. ISBN 0-7869-3492-1.