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Zarhandro Laeluth was one of the eight members of the First Zulkirate and the Zulkir of Enchantment in 11th century DR.[1]


Zarhandro was a jolly rotund hedonist Thayan human man who made deception his game. He was trusted by few and feared my most all. The zulkir's lies were aimed at everyone, including the fellow members of the First Zulkirate. He delighted in successful lies, schemes, revenges and cackled with malicious glee when his planes came to fruition. Zarhandro had fondness for long feasts of exotic foods.[1]


Zarhandro Laeluth became the first member of the Council of Zulkirs from the school of enchantment magic in the autumn of the Year of Warlords, 1030 DR. The council was assembled under the diviner lich Ythazz Buvaar. The title allowed Zarhandro to select the tharchions and gave him absolute control over a sliver of Thay. The zulkir routinely used doubles to convince everyone he was in several places at the same time. He ruled his tharchions with fear as he slew a number of them throughout the career.[1]

The wizard's reign as the Zullkir of Enchantment came to an end some time before the late Year of the Starfall, 1300 DR.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 So Saith Ed 2010-2016. (25-11-2021). Retrieved on 25-11-2021.