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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Zhara was the third wife of Akabar Bel Akash, a priestess of Tymora and one of the Alias clones created by Phalse.


Zhara is superficially proud and quick to judge others - particularly women from other cultures - but lacks the self-confidence that marks many of her 'sisters'. For a while, she used Alias's armor to impersonate her; although Zhara clearly felt humiliated showing so much of her body publicly, and was glad to give the armor back when her charade was over. Although a priestess, she was a capable fighter with a quick temper; she had apparently once broken the arm of her sister-wife Kasim.


Little is known of Zhara from the time of her awakening to her marriage to Akabar. She was married with the approval of his two previous wives. She was sent by the other wives when Akabar traveld north in order to protect him “the barbarians of the north”[1]. When they first met, Dragonbait recognized her as one of Alias’ sisters, but decided to let Akabar tell Alias.

Later, Alias and Akabar went to testify on Finder’s behalf, leaving Zhara alone with Dragonbait. They discusses Alias and Dragonbait confided his story to her. Later that night, when she was alone, Zhara was attacked by Moander’s spores. Thanks to Dragonbait’s timely arrival, Zhara was freed from Moander’s clutches.[2]

The priestess and saurial then went to tell Akabar about the attack when they discovered that Akabar was missing, along with the saurial Grypht. Alias, Dragonbait and the ranger Breck Orcsbane were to rescue Akabar while Zhara remained behind “for her own protection.”

With Dragonbait’s help, Zhara disguised herself as Alias and walked out the front doors of the Twisted Tower, following Alias and company discretely [3]. When she met up with the group, a scuffle began between Zhara and Breck. As a result, the truth of Zhara’s origins were revealed. Alias fought Zhara out of anger from being deceived and having to face on her “fake” sisters. Grypht settled the fight and they agreed to an uneasy peace in order to focus on the more urgent issues.

Zhara accompanied the group to rescue Finder and Olive, then to the entrance of the Lost Vale to save the saurial tribe. Once the group understood the magnitude of danger involved, Zhara and Beck returned to Shadowdale to bring reinforcements to defeat Moander’s avatar and rescue the tribe.

The next day, after Alias and the rest defeated Akabar sacrificed himself to defeat Moander, Zhara arrived in the Lost Vale with a small contingent from Shadowdale. She was already aware of her husband’s fate. She helped care for the weakened saurials. It is assumed that afterwards she returned to Turmish and family.

