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Zhechrrog was was the Chieftain of the Batiri Stone Knives tribe in Samarach circa 1374 DR.[1]


Zhechrrog wielded the tribe's heirloom weapon and the symbol of office – the Shard of the Samarlogh.[1]


In the 1374 DR, Zhechrrog's Stone Knives tribe discovered the shipwreck of the Vigilant on Omgar's Teeth. The vessel belonged to Sa'Sani of Samargol and her trade company. The surviving crew members, including Captain Lastri Kassireh and her First Mate Kadjin were captured, while many other injured sailors were slaughtered and used as food. When Sa'Sani sent a band of adventurers to free the halfling captain, Zhechrrog pleaded with the heroes for her life, lying in broken Common about the evil Shattered Spear tribe forcing her tribe from Samarlogh and the tribe starving. Lastri Kassireh was the last surviving sailor, and she quickly revealed the Chieftan's lies and how the goblins ate First Mate Kadjin. When Chieftain Zhechrrog's lies were exposed, she proudly proclaimed war and attacked the adventurers, ending up slain.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir

