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Zindalankh was a coastal city of Murghôm.[1]


Zindalankh sat on the western rim of the Semphar Water within the southern portion of Gbor Nor[1]


This city was once equal in size to Dhaztanar, but a cessation of trade with Durpar and the opening of the River Rauthenflow caused their trade to suffer greatly.[1]

Zindalankh was a fierce rival of Dhaztanar located on the opposite bank of the Semphar Water in Semphar.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 David Cook (August 1990). The Horde. Edited by Steve Winter. (TSR, Inc.), p. Cannot cite pages from this boxed set. See {{Cite book/The Horde}} for a list of citations that may be used.. ISBN 0-88038-868-4.