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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Zytha, who was also called the Lame because of an injury suffered in battle a decade ago, was a Rashemaar stablemaster inhabiting Immilmar in Rashemen in the Year of the Shield, 1367 DR.[1]


Zytha's stable was located just south of the Huhrong's Citadel near the center of Immilmar. He cared for horses at a rate of 1 cp per night. Zytha also sold sturdy Rashemaar ponies that were better suited for Rashemen's harsh climate for 150 gp each.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Anthony Pryor (June 1995). “Campaign Guide”. In Michele Carter, Doug Stewart eds. Spellbound (TSR, Inc.), p. 83. ISBN 978-0786901395.